Wednesday, April 19, 2017

April 19, 1917 - Like the Czar's reign, this letter will come to an abrupt end soon as I am called.

Here is the letter that is the follow up to the letter from yesterday.

April 19,1917.

It is just a little before eight, and am at the office waiting momentarily for a party to come up and take me to another law office where I am to prepare a case for that party and get ready to try it for him in the morning.

Charles, mother, Clara and the doctor have motored to Shelton to see our friend again, as I stated last night; and perhaps on their return something definite may have transpired. If so, I’ll call you up in the morning provided I get a chance before going to Court. Still, Charles said just before leaving that he would not close it to-night under any circumstances, but that he would expect the deal, if completed at all to be done at the office, where we could give it the necessary attention, such as examining the title and preparing the usual papers. Here is where I beschrie (a Yiddish expression that means bragging bringing bad luck.)  this letter. Not a mistake yet, gee whitakers.

Like the Czar's reign, this letter will come to an abrupt end soon as I am called. So to the point. At present, it may be, it is possible that I can come. Here is the man. Good bye.

Your Joe.

The next letter is April 20

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