Wednesday, March 15, 2017

March 15, 1917 - I am scheduled to try a case where a man beat up his wife pretty badly.

Here is a letter with an interesting story about Joe's nieces and going to church.

My darling:

Here again is the end of another day; and Saturday is rapidly approaching. I completed my work rather early this afternoon, and really might have gone down to New York, but I knew that you had other engagements for to-night with Nettie - I believe.

Tomorrow night, Justice Wheeler of our Supreme Court has invited the members of our Bar to his home to personally meet three new Judges who were recently appointed by our Governor, and to have a little social session there.

Saturday morning, I see in to-night's paper, I am scheduled
to try a case where a man beat up his wife pretty badly. So that as
soon as that is over, I will leave Shelton direct for New York and
perhaps may arrive   early in the afternoon , though the chances are
probably that I'll take the usual 4:10.   Should I find that I can
get away earlier, I'll wire you, but do not alter any of your plans
for the afternoon on my account.

I have several motions to prepare for the morning and as you are aware I am at the office at the present time.

A funny thing happened to the kiddies yesterday. Listen. The girl had Lucile, Myra, and Beatrice out for a stroll. As she passed the St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church, she went in, and overcome by her religious zeal, naturally kneeled and prayed. The three little kids, perhaps thinking that necessary each did likewise. Can you imagine little Myra down on her knees, also on her fores (the girl said) in a sotto voice, in which Lucile also joined, starting their own little night prayer “Father we thank thee for the day, for the hours of work and play, for the shining stars above, for Thy great and tender love, help us Lord Thy will to do, help us to be more loving kind and true, forever and ever Amen"? That's what they did. Of course Stella was mortified when she heard it but at that it showed the kids had a prayer handy when needed. The girl has received new instructions rel­ative to attending church, however.

With lots of love and just a little truck load full of kisses,

I am Your

The next letter is March 19

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