Tuesday, October 4, 2016

October 4, 1916 - I am a lawyer and engaged to be married - am I doing right?

Here is a letter that has a couple clippings. Fun and newsy.

Dear Helen,

I've been thinking so much about Wednesday that I've headed this letter incorrectly.
What I wanted to say was that both of my cases in the Supreme Court are down for Thursday morning; what think you of that?

Even so, if I can possibly get away tomorrow afternoon, I'll do it, but of course that looks rather doubtful/

Your letter this morning was a dandy. It was so refreshing and cheerful; and of course affectionate.
One clipping in particular gripped my attention. It was the story of the little boy. How real it seemed, and with no difficulty at all, did I unconsciously substitute a few characters for the ones mentioned. Those are the things dreams are made of. And how responsive the must the affection be in you to be impressed with that story. Of course I know it is; but that is merely another expression of it.

By way of a change I am enclosing a couple of clippings I've taken from tonight's papers. They take the other side. And when I read them they had the same effect on me as Willie Howard's "by golly there goes the cigar."

My mother had so many sweet things to tell me last night about you and today again she was at it. It is simply wonderful what an affection has sprung up and it's the same over at Charles' house.
As you surmised, tonight is Bnai Brith night, and I am writing this at Charles' immediately after supper.

I have nice things to tell you, but must get the rest of them from several people you met at Temple and then I'll tell you all. The particularly were impressed by your intellectual appearance, as one said it, and your charming manner, according to another. So far, they all think you are extremely charming, and the more they know you, the more they will be impressed.
And I know also that when it comes to being a dandy girl, you'll far surpass their fondest expectations. Love and kisses in heaps to you, and a few for the folks.


 The next letter is October 11

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