Sad for Joe Philadelphia won the series.
October 8, 1913
Dear Helen,
How I regret that I ever said I would not criticize any more of your letters. Ye gods and little pui fishes! What would I do to the last one. For example you said that "last night I wrote you a four page epistle" etc. How strange! Monday night I think I was reading Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians.
Then you say you returned home and found a friend waiting, and forgot to mail(underline) the speeches - one being to a girl. From that I assume there must have been some class to the fellow who was waiting, for you to get so ruffled (as Shakespeare put it) as to forget to mail (get the gender) the letters.
But I said I wouldn't do it , so I'll pass up the remainder of the letter; except to reply to it. I shall be very glad to accept the invitation to spend Yom Kippur at Temple with you. I think that idea of preventing your mother from fasting a good one. Do you think you could trust me to look after her diet that day?
You ask for my plans. I will leave Bridgeport Friday afternoon about 4 so as to arrive in New York about 5:30. In all probability I will stop at the Elks as usual, though I may, for convenience, check up at some first class place (Hotel), uptown, if I can find one. Presumably Kol Nidre will be said about 8P.M. nicht wahr*? Or do you commence earlier? After I arrive I have no definite plans, but to stay til Sunday or Monday as the case may be.
Outside of having loads of work ahead of me that seems almost unsurmountable, I am very much interested in the World's Series. If Florrie will ask my namesake, he'll tell her to tell you what I mean by that.
It made me smile when I read that your rabbi has such a beautiful voice, for last night against my consent I was persuaded to go to an opera here called "Aida." Hadst thou ever heard of it? To say that their scenery was horrid, is only complimenting them. But when you think of the soloists, mon dieu! also Ishgabible!*** My entire vocabulary of vituperation** is exhausted before I begin to comment. Out of pure respect for my sister-in-law who was with our crowd I stayed through the performance. It was the worst I ever saw.
I'm glad you like the "Sweden" song. And I'm more than happy to learn that Lillie has got something else besides "Mammy Jerry's" and "Good Bye Boys" to pound away at.
The Chief of Police of Shelton just phoned that the have a brace of dips that he wants examined. That means two pickpockets and I'll run over and quiz them about the whereabouts of some valuable purses that have disappeared here lately.
Kindest regards from
Yours sincerely
Oh! (That's your way of saying N.B. - which stands for no bull) I am enclosing Barnet's picture. He's the fellow with the white socks.
* nicht wahr means "isn't that so?" in German
** vituperation means bitter and abusive language
*** Ishgabibble (Ische ga bibble) means I should worry. See link above.

What an amazing crowd gathered at the Polo Grounds for the World Series. The close proximity of the teams was most likely a big help for the east coat crowds.
Notice the price on the ticket.
This is the cover of the sheet music for "Isch Ga-Bibble" a popular song from 1913. See above link for more about Isch Ga Bibble.
The next letter will be on October 13.
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