Saturday, January 11, 2014

January 11, 1914 - "Lei m'intende?"

This year starts with a short note to set up a possible date to attend "La Boheme". His humor, as always, is intact. His ability to remember the lyrics almost  perfectly is a testament to his mind.

Sunday morning
Dear Helen,
Just as I was about to leave for Waterbury I read in the World that on Saturday night, there will be a special performance of La Boheme.

Could I ask you to order two seats like those in Madame Butterfly.

The machine is honking for me; so thought I'd write before it slipped my cabeza.*

If you can't go, why just cancel this request. I know it will give you an opportunity to hear that
"Mi chiamano Mimì, ma il mio nome è Lucia.La storia mia è breve. Sono tranquilla e lieta ed è mio svago far gigli e rose."**
 That is as near as I can recall it, spelled as it listens.
"Lei m'intende?" (Do you hear me?)

* Cabeza is head in Spanish.

** "Yes, they call me Mimi, but my true name is Lucia.My story is short. ... I am happy and at peace and my pastime is to make lilies and roses."

If you would like to hear the aria that he is quoting, here is a link to "Si Mi Chiamano"

The next letter will be on April 25. I suspect that letters were lost over time. I will be filling in with family information and newspaper articles.

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