Monday, February 18, 2013

Meyer Graduates Magna Cum Laude

In June of 1910 Meyer graduated Magna Cum Laude from Yale Law School. He received the highest grades in his graduating class which entitled him to be the class marshal. Meyer must have been proud of this accomplishment having seen his brother Joe leading his class in 1907. Because Meyer died so young his few possessions were cared for my Joe and that is why I am able to document this time in Meyer's life in such detail. Below is his official graduation photo taken at a New Haven portrait studio.

The Yale Law School had its own yearbook, called The Shingle. From my research this was published at the end of every year from 1893 to 1912. Perhaps it reflected the idea that when these young lawyers left Yale they would hang out their shingle in the town they would settle. Here is the cover of The Shingle from the class of 1910 followed by the piece that was written next to Meyer's portrait.


Meyer Merwin Shapiro was born January 1, 1889, in New York City, the son of Barnet Shapiro. He has lived in Bridgeport and New Haven. Two brothers, Charles H. and Joseph G., have preceded him at the Law School. Upon graduation he intends to enter their firm in Bridgeport. Shapiro was an honor man and a member of Chi Tau Kappa. He came to Yale because he considered it the best law school in the country.

In the back of the yearbook they had a chart with student characteristics. I have added that here and highlighted his row. He did not get first place but as you can see he was often known for being the "Greatest Grind" as were his brothers in their yearbooks.

Of course, the diploma was his most cherished document that he acquired upon graduation.

In the next week I will add a bit more about Meyer.

Joe's next letter will be posted on February 25th.

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